Abantu Together is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that is incorporated and currently accepting donations to partner with, equip, and impact this community in western Uganda.
If you would like to donate to Abantu Together and their work in the Kyenjojo region of Uganda,
you can write a check to Abantu Together Inc.
with your email in the subject line and send it to:
Abantu Together Inc.
P.O. Box 153
Tylersburg, PA 16361
For those patrons that would like to make a donation through PayPal, Abantu Together offers the ability to donate any amount at any time. Click below to pursue a one time donation for our cause. General donations will be forwarded to God's Care Ministries in Kyenjojo Uganda to help support more children and their families.
We also provide you an opportunity to make a memorial gift in memory of a loved one, or a gift in honor of someone or something special. You can do this by mail or online. If you would like us to notify the family of your donation, please include the contact information.
At Abantu Together we want our donors to be able to experience the impact their contributions have in the world. We offer the opportunity to impact a child’s future through our full sponsorship program. For those wanting to give more directly to our ministry, we offer a number of monthly and one-time payment options. To learn about fully sponsoring a child, follow the link below.